sad quotes about depression in urdu and english

Universal Qoutes

 Certainly, here are some sad quotes about depression in both Urdu and English:


1. "اکیلا ہونا کبھی کبھی بہت تنہا کر دیتا ہے، جب دل کا دکھ تنہائی کا سفر بن جاتا ہے۔"

2. "ذہانت میں چھپی ہوئی غمگینی، دل کی بے سبب تنہائی کی طرح ہوتی ہے۔"

3. "دل کی سانسیں رک جاتی ہیں جب دکھ کی بوندیں سب سر کھانے لگتی ہیں۔"

4. "وقت کی بے بند گیاہونے والی زندگی کی تصویر میں طے کر دیتی ہے، جب تنہائی کا دکھ دل پر چھائیں چھوڑتی ہیں۔"

5. "دبی ہوئی نظریں اکثر دل کی باتوں کو سن لیتی ہیں، جب تنہائی کی سنگینی کھینچ لیتی ہے۔"


1. "Being alone sometimes feels incredibly lonely, as the heartache becomes a journey of solitude."

2. "The sadness hidden in intelligence is like the unexplained loneliness of the heart."

3. "Heartbeats stop when drops of sorrow begin to eat away at the soul."

4. "Time paints a life without boundaries, as the anguish of solitude leaves its mark on the heart."

5. "Closed eyes often perceive the unspoken words of the heart when the melody of solitude starts playing."

Depression can be a challenging and isolating experience. If you or someone you know is struggling with depression, seeking help and support from mental health professionals and loved ones is important. These quotes reflect some of the emotions and experiences associated with depression.

Certainly, here are some sad quotes about depression in both Urdu and English:


1. "روشنی کا وعدہ اور تاریکی کا دکھ، دبیت کے دل کی کہانی ہیں۔" (English Translation: "Promises of light and the pain of darkness, the story of a depressed heart.")

2. "جب دل میں تاریکی چھا جاتی ہے، تو ہر چیز کی روشنی ختم ہو جاتی ہے۔" (English Translation: "When darkness settles in the heart, the light of everything fades away.")

3. "دبیت سے گزرتے وقت دنیا کا رنگ بھی اندھیرا لگتا ہے۔" (English Translation: "During depression, the world seems dark even in broad daylight.")


1. "Depression is like a heavy, dark cloud that never seems to lift."

2. "In the depths of depression, even the simplest tasks can feel like insurmountable mountains."

3. "The worst kind of sadness is the one that makes you feel numb like you're living in a colorless world."

4. "Depression is a battle that is fought silently, with no medals for the victorious."

5. "It's not easy to explain depression to someone who has never been there because it's not just sadness; it's an overwhelming void."

6. "Depression is a darkness that engulfs your soul, making it hard to see any light at the end of the tunnel."

7. "The hardest part about depression is feeling like you're completely alone, even in a room full of people."

8. "Sometimes, the bravest thing you can do is to keep on living even when every part of you wants to give up."

Remember that depression is a serious mental health condition, and if you or someone you know is struggling with it, it's essential to seek help and support from mental health professionals and loved ones.

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